There's Keystone in every Great invention
Let's Take a Closer Look
January 21, 2022
There’s a Keystone in every great invention.
Microscopes and Their Electronics
As we continue to live through the pandemic driven by the COVID-19 virus, it is easier now more than ever to realize how advancements in technology not only make our lives easier, but potentially save them as well. Before the microscope, one could only guess at the cause or origin of an illness or disease. Viruses were defined not by their structure or features, but instead by surface symptoms and death tolls. Having the ability to physically see a microorganism is one thing but being able to identify and understand its characteristics and traits can end up making all of the difference.
History of the Microscope
The earliest versions of the microscope date back to the 16th century, where a small single lens was used to magnify objects between 6-10 times. After experimenting with different lens combinations and using the inversion of the telescope, Dutch lens maker Sacharias Jansen combined a magnifying objective lens with an eye lens to create his compound microscope. Italian astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei later added a focusing device, making a microscope like the version we use today.
Anthoni van Leeuwenhoek is credited with being the first person to see microorganisms and blood cells, after refining his instrument to magnify 270 times. By polishing and grinding lenses, he realized different shaped lenses increased the image’s display size.
Microscopes Today
With the inclusion of electronics and built-in technology such as lasers, lighting or cameras, microscopes of today not only make it possible to see the smallest of detail but assist in understanding and sharing information found. From displaying imagery to monitors and screens to taking real-time photography, electronics have allowed microscopy to grow beyond simple magnification.
Scanning Electron Microscopes use a high-energy beam of electrons to come up with a variety of signals at the surface of solid specimens. From those signals, experts are able to reveal sample information such as texture, chemical composition and internal structure and material orientation. By using electron beams, these microscopes produce a two-dimensional image similar to an X-ray, showing the state of the sample during the interaction with the electron signals. As we continue through the COVID-19 Pandemic, the use of scanning electron microscopy has provided us with images that help understand the structure and functionality of the Coronavirus.
Keystone Electronics’ products such as Battery Clips, Contacts & Holders, Panel & Computer Hardware, Plugs, Pins, Jacks & Sockets and Fuse Clips & Holders are just some of our devices that can be found in microscopy tools, assisting in the discovery and research behind today’s scientific breakthroughs.