There's Keystone in every Great invention
October: Ghosts, Ghouls, Goblins, & Fire Prevention!
October 24, 2022
There’s a Keystone in every great invention.
Fire Safety and the Technology Behind It
As October rolls around, everyone’s minds immediately shift towards the incoming fall weather and Halloween festivities. But let’s not overlook another major observation: Fire Prevention Month.
Yes, we’ve already written a blog about the technology that goes into fire prevention. But the cool thing about technology, aside from the obvious, is that it’s constantly changing. There are always updates and new components being incorporated, so much so that fire/smoke alarms and detectors today are equipped with smart technology to provide homeowners with immediate and convenient warning.
History of Fire Prevention
Before Captain George Manby created the first effective fire extinguisher in 1818, fire departments mainly relied on mixtures of water, sand, and dirt to combat flames. After realizing his men couldn’t reach the top floors of a burning building, Manby invented a portable fire extinguisher constructed of a copper cask containing potassium carbonate and compressed air.
Shortly after the introduction of the fire extinguisher, manually operated sprinklers were being designed using water reservoirs and pipes. After someone opened a valve on the outside of a building, water would be distributed through the pipes and emptied through a system of perforated pipes.
Fast-forwarding to this century, the introduction of sensors and electronics have not only paved the way for fully automated fire battling systems; they have allowed for advanced preventative systems that save lives well before it’s too late. Many commercial and residential buildings such as hotels and business require automatic sprinkler systems that can cover every inch should a fire break out on any floor. And while your typical suburban house may not have a sprinkler system installed, the technology within fire alarms and smoke detectors have been proven to be sufficient in sensing danger and notifying users when preventative maintenance is needed.
Today’s Fire Alarms and Smoke Detectors
Smart homes are the trend today and moving forward, automating everything from lighting to security and linking them all together under one smart system. So why not make your fire prevention measures smart as well? Smart smoke detectors not only sense smoke AND carbon monoxide within the house, but they also can turn off air systems and notify fire departments of the emergency. Smart detectors also send a variety of notifications straight to your smart phone through Bluetooth or messaging, immediately notifying you of dangers whether you’re home or away.
More advanced detectors offer camera integration that captures the point of smoke presence, as well as audible and visual aid at the time of emergencies – automatically turning on lights and announcing exit strategies or specific smoke locations.
In addition to smoke detectors, it is recommended that each home have a fire extinguisher to prevent a small fire from engulfing a home. It is especially important in cooking areas, both inside and out, as well as garages and workshops. All these fire prevention, suppression, and safety devices rely on electronic components. Components such as contact pins and battery clips, plugs, spacers, or screws from Keystone provide the most reliable functionality for the devices that perform an extremely important task.