There's a keystone in every great invention...

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  • July 12, 2024 The Timeless Tool for Hurricane Season There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Fuse Clips, Contact & Holders PCB Test Points & Terminals Spacers & Standoffs PCB Pins, Plugs, Jacks & Sockets Barometric Measurement and their Electronics As we embark on the 2024 hurricane season, it is crucial to understand the tools that help us predict and prepare for these powerful storms....
  • June 12, 2024 Empowering Graduates Through Technology There’s a Keystone in every great invention   Tech-Savvy Graduates Are Equipped for the Next Step As the academic year draws to a close, the world awaits its next class of graduates....
  • August 16, 2023 Navigating Through Time: The Evolution and Technology Behind the Magnetic Compass There’s a Keystone in every great invention. In typical August fashion, we’ve found ourselves staring down the final days of summer, with schools across the country gearing up for a new year of learning....
  • January 31, 2023 Ambulances: From Horses to Strobe Lights, Technology’s Advancements in Medical Care There’s a Keystone in every great invention.   Ambulances and the Technology Behind Them 2023 has just begun, winter weather is in full swing, and now starts the preparation for one of the biggest events of the year: Super Bowl LVII....
  • December 19, 2022 It's The Most Expensive Time of the Year! There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Cash Registers and the Technology Behind Them It’s December, and online shopping carts are stocking up as quickly as the temperatures are dropping....
  • October 24, 2022 October: Ghosts, Ghouls, Goblins, & Fire Prevention! There’s a Keystone in every great invention.   Fire Safety and the Technology Behind It As October rolls around, everyone’s minds immediately shift towards the incoming fall weather and Halloween festivities....
  • September 20, 2022 Putting the "T" in Technology: Typewriters and the Electronics Behind Them There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Typewriters and the Electronics Behind Them Growth in technology is often directly tied to increased efficiency within some workplace capacities, whether it be construction zones or nine to five offices....
  • July 18, 2022 Small Technology Packing a Big Bang There’s a Keystone in every great invention.   Modern Warfare Technology and the Electronics Behind Them      The constant development of technology has always played a major role in the evolution of warfare weaponry....
  • June 18, 2022 The Perfect Technology to Push Graduates to the Next Level There’s a Keystone in every great invention.   Modern Technology for the Modern Graduate         Graduation season is in full swing, marking the end of one journey and the beginning of a brand-new, uncharted path....
  • May 18, 2022 From the Ground Floor to the Skies: Elevators & Their Electronics There’s a Keystone in every great invention.   Elevators and Their Electronics          Remember when the acronym “WFH” wasn’t universally known, and the concept of working from anywhere except for an actual office was anything but normal? While those days may be in the past, there seems to be a post-pandemic renaissance of traditional workplaces, allowing us to pay homage to an important innovation crucial to more than just our day-to-day routines....
  • April 18, 2022 April Showers and The Electronics Behind Them There’s a Keystone in every great invention.   Rain Gauges and Their Electronics     While “April showers bring May flowers” may just be a nifty rhyme brought up around this time of year, there is validity in the literal message....
  • March 25, 2022 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...And More There’s a Keystone in every great invention.   Digital Photography and Electronics       When you think about it, March is a colossal month in the world of sports....
  • February 28, 2022 And The Grammy Goes To There’s a Keystone in every great invention.   The Grammy Award itself is directly associated with glamour, showmanship and the best the music industry has to offer. From artists and vocalists to producers and teams behind the scenes of a genre’s greatest hit, such prestigious recognition shines a light on all of personnel required to produce songs and albums....
  • January 21, 2022 Let's Take a Closer Look There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Microscopes and Their Electronics As we continue to live through the pandemic driven by the COVID-19 virus, it is easier now more than ever to realize how advancements in technology not only make our lives easier, but potentially save them as well....
  • December 20, 2021 Let The Cord Go, Let It Go, Let It Go There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Battery-Powered Razors and Their Electronics The art of shaving has long been centered around attaining the smoothest and cleanest look possible....
  • November 22, 2021 Tis the Season for Flushing There’s a Keystone in every great invention.   Flush Toilets and Their Electronics     For many of us, November unofficially marks the beginning of the holiday season, bringing along an endless amount of fall-themed recipes and food-centered gatherings....
  • October 25, 2021 Excuse Me, Do You Have The Time? There’s a Keystone in every great invention.   Time in a Pocket It’s about that time again; the leaves are changing, the sun is setting earlier, and in the back of many minds is the nagging reminder to “fall back” and adjust the clocks for the end of Daylight-Saving Time....
  • September 17, 2021 Blowing Your Outdoor Troubles Away There’s a Keystone in every great invention Leaf Blowers and Their Electronics If you were asked to step outside on a weekend afternoon and describe the sounds you heard, what would your ears catch? On any given Saturday, you’re likely to hear the humming of weekend warriors using their favorite landscaping tools....
  • August 20, 2021 Let There Be Light There’s a Keystone in every great invention.   Electrical Generators and their electronics   From the caveman’s fire to Edison’s light bulb, the generation of light and energy have been staples in the development and advancement of mankind....
  • July 19, 2021 The Zamboni: A True Miracle on Ice There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Zambonis and Their Electronics Hockey grows significantly in popularity in the United States with each passing decade, and currently is one of the best-attended live events in the country, rivaling national pastimes such as baseball and football....
  • June 20, 2021 Are We There Yet? There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Odometers and their Electronics With the official start of summer comes vacation season. Like Chevy Chase in Summer Vacation, nothing beats the family road trip....
  • May 28, 2021 Measure Once, Cut Once There’s a Keystone in every great invention. The development and mastering of tools has been vital to the evolution of the human species. Measuring tools have enabled impressive and monumental structures to be built....
  • April 21, 2021 Inoculation Propagation There’s a Keystone in every great invention. The discovery and advancement of inoculations has transformed medical research and saved billions of people from diseases like polio and smallpox....
  • March 20, 2021 Evolution of the Hearing Aid, Listen and Learn There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Blindness separates us from things, but deadness separates us from people – Helen Keller There is an estimated 466 million people worldwide with hearing loss....
  • February 22, 2021 Let’s Get Cooking There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Did you know that February 9th was National Pizza Day? Neither did we, and we are making up for it by sitting down for a slice and exploring the evolution of the pizza oven....
  • January 20, 2021 Tablet Technology Trends There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Language, and more specifically alphabetic writing, marked a momentous achievement in human development. Humans have used tablets for centuries to impart wisdom, culture and history with others....
  • December 22, 2020 2020, a Year to Remember? There’s a Keystone in every great invention. There is no denying 2020 was a challenging year, one that many might be willing to forget. However, nothing is gained by forgetting past....
  • November 17, 2020 Remote Controls There’s a Keystone in every great invention. As Thanksgiving rapidly approaches in America, it is as good a time as any to reflect and take (turkey) stock on 2020. The coronavirus will most certainly have an effect on how Americans celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday this year....
  • October 19, 2020 Under Pressure There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Worldwide, tropical cyclone activity peaks in late summer, when the difference between temperatures aloft and sea surface temperatures is the greatest....
  • September 14, 2020 Technology Lessons for Schools There’s a Keystone in every great invention. September usually means the end of summer and back to school for students. However, COVID-19 has introduced many challenges for the beginning of the academic calendar for school systems....
  • August 18, 2020 Cold Storage Extends Shelf Life There’s a Keystone in every great invention. As we hit the height of summer heat, with record breaking temperatures across the globe, it is easy to take for granted all of the creature comforts we have today....
  • July 20, 2020 Monorails, Many Components And their Electronics... There’s a Keystone in every great invention. The term monorail is used to describe a transportation system in which a chair or carrier (car) is suspended from, or rides on, an overhead rail structure....
  • June 26, 2020 Sew Many Machines, Sew Little Time There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Sewing machines have helped revolutionize the textile industry several times over. Sewing machines have also had a significant social impact....
  • May 20, 2020 Supporting Frontline Workers There's a Keystone in every great invention. COVID-19 has affected all of us. But no group has been affected as much as essential front line workers. These workers have kept their communities functioning and moving forward during a very challenging time....
  • April 17, 2020 High-speed Cameras Catch the Action There’s a Keystone in every great invention. The Cornovirus pandemic has put what matters most into perspective – and our thoughts go out to those affected. The United States and the world sadly remain at a standstill from the health crisis....
  • February 12, 2020 Happy and Healthy Hearts There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Legend states that Saint Valentine married Roman soldiers, in defiance of emperor Claudius II Gothicus, to spare the husbands from war....
  • January 15, 2020 Trending Smaller Medical Devices There’s a Keystone in every great invention.   Throughout the season of giving, we are reminded that one of the greatest gifts a person can receive is a clean bill of health....
  • December 19, 2019 Christmas and Video Games The holiday season brings family gatherings, cozy firesides, decadent meals, and a surplus of gift exchanges. While this time of year can get hectic, it also provides a chance for many to relax and enjoy some recreational activities....
  • November 21, 2019 Thanksgiving Gratitude for the Electric Stove Thanksgiving brings many warm memories of family, friends, and lots of delicious food. Home cooks pull out all the stops during this epic eating adventure, creating favorite dishes like stuffing, mashed potatoes, and apple pie, and filling the air with mouth watering scents....
  • October 25, 2019 Radar: From Wars to Baseball We’re perhaps most familiar with the use of radar guns by the police for catching speeders—a practice that started shortly after World War II and became increasingly common throughout the following decades....
  • September 22, 2019 Robots in History: Origins of Automation Though robots and automation are in use today in a wide variety of industries, robotics is still considered a futuristic idea. Many may be surprised to learn that the first electronic robots were built in 1948....
  • August 16, 2019 Measuring Electric Power: Invention of the Electricity Meter Without fail, August brings some of the hottest, sunniest days we see all year. While this may lead some to spend more time indoors to escape the blazing heat, all that sunshine certainly has its upside....
  • July 1, 2019 The Ice Maker: Origins of a Summer Staple The 4th of July is the harbinger of summer. With its approach come outdoor cookouts, barbeques, and a host of cold treats. Although people eat outside to enjoy the summer warmth, they often make sure to bring along ice to keep their food cool and drinks frosty....
  • June 18, 2019 A Father’s Day Gift: Self-Operating Lawn Mowers As we recently celebrated Father’s Day, we’re taking a closer look at a classic machine that many fathers are handy with: the lawn mower. How has the lawn mower evolved to the self-operating, robotic varieties we have today, which enable dads to sit back and relax? Their humble beginnings date all the way back to 1830, when English engineer Edwin Beard Budding created the cylinder mower....
  • May 15, 2019 Planting Season Revolutionized: The Introduction of Lawn Sprinklers There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Spring is finally here, and lawns and gardens across the countryare coming back to life. However, this fresh greeneryneed more than warmth and sunshine—many planting season growths require a dependable source of water for consistent irrigation....
  • April 17, 2019 Money Matters: Tax Day, Stocks, and How We Get Our Data There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Unless an extension was requested, you’re probably well aware of Tax Day, April 15th, the day when taxpayers submit individual income tax returns and pay their portion to the U....
  • March 27, 2019 Keeping Track of Time: Understanding Time Zones and Standard Time There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Daylight Saving Time (DST) recently began in the United States. We all "sprang forward," pushing our clocks forward by one hour....
  • February 18, 2019 Electronics in Music Production: Key Equipment and Components There’s a Keystone in every great invention. The 61st annual Grammy Awards Show recently broadcasted to millions and we thought we’d dive into some of the electronics involved in producing the music that we listen to and love....
  • January 15, 2019 The Invention and Story of Modern-Day Blenders There’s a Keystone in every great invention. Blenders appear in kitchens around the world, mixing, pureeing, and emulsify food into a wide range of delicious drinks, sauces, and more....
  • December 12, 2018 Guard Your Goods: The Development of Burglar Alarms There’s a Keystone in every great invention. The holidays are a beloved time of gift giving, cheer, and celebration, with family and friends traveling across the country to spend cherished time with loved ones....